Seeing the sad stranger at the airport, baby Corgi quickly ran to comfort and give him a happy time.

Seeing the sad stranger at the airport, baby Corgi quickly ran to comfort and give him a happy time.

Cora, a corgi bred as a therapy dog, runs to comfort a stranger at the airport because his face is sad.

While taking shelter at the Seattle airport, Cora suddenly approached a man sitting alone near the gate.

Palm-baby’s owner shared: “I didn’t have time to say anything when I saw the baby running to the man, his face was somber and his eyes were about to cry.” passed away Well, he got stuck at the airport and didn’t get home in time.

Seeing the sad stranger at the airport, baby Corgi quickly ran to comfort and give him a happy time.
Seeing the sad stranger at the airport, baby Corgi quickly ran to comfort and give him a happy time.

Cora stayed with the man for a while. Those around said the man touched Cora and talked about her cuteness and what it meant to him. This is a very interesting meeting.


Cora is known as a dog with an extremely unfortunate fate because accidentally killed the chickens of the first family to raise her, so they rushed to give the baby to someone else so that almost her whole life was saved. save. grew up here in the yard. and link. Cora also ate very little and was very tired.

Palm shared about her first encounter with Cora: “She was never taken to the vet, and she didn’t have a name tag. She has very little food, or receives very little leftovers. Palm adopted her from a previous owner. She had a dog, but she didn’t want to leave Cora, so she moved somewhere else so she could bring Cora home to Palm and never leave it again.

When I took her to the vet, Cora had a severe ear infection, badly damaged and dirty teeth, but in return Cora was very docile and sly, like a little girl who had been deprived of love for a long time until now. Okay. I just want to enjoy it forever.

Seeing the sad stranger at the airport, baby Corgi quickly ran to comfort and give him a happy time.
Seeing the sad stranger at the airport, baby Corgi quickly ran to comfort and give him a happy time.

Once healthy, Cora was sent to school as a therapy dog, and whenever Palm had an episode of anxiety, she became a regular doctor. Today, the dog’s poor dog knows how to share his love with people in difficulty, helping them overcome their pain.

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