Maybe you don’t know: 8 interesting facts about corgi

Maybe you don't know 8 interesting facts about corgi

1. Corgi intelligence is equal to that of a 2-year-old baby

There is one reason that babies and dogs can easily get along and get along well with each other: They share a common language. The number of words and gestures that a 2-year-old baby and a dog can understand is 250.

2. Corgi have a sense of time – they will miss you when you are away

Corgi can perceive time: meal time, walk time, etc. Dogs learn this through the schedule and daily routine that you create for them. Four-legged friends can also sense how much time has passed. A study shows that when their owners are away for different lengths of time, when they return, the dogs will react with different levels of joy.

Maybe you don't know 8 interesting facts about corgi
Maybe you don’t know 8 interesting facts about corgi

3. Corgi howl helps them see in the dark

The sounds emitted by corgi in the dark help them recognize changes in the air: information about the shape, size, speed of nearby objects. This helps them detect danger or prey in the dark.

4. Corgi and cats drink water in the same way

We often see dogs eating and drinking much more than cats, but their way of drinking water is the same. Bend the tip of your tongue and lift the water column up into your mouth.

5. Corgi can only sweat through their paw pads

That’s why we see that Corgis’ paw pads are often wet in hot weather. And dogs often pant as a way to cool their bodies.

Maybe you don't know 8 interesting facts about corgi
Maybe you don’t know 8 interesting facts about corgi

6. Corgi sense of smell is 1,000 to 10 million times more sensitive than a human’s

Depending on the breed, dogs can have from 125 – 300 olfactory cells, while humans only have about 5 million.

7. Corgi can hear sounds 4 times farther away than humans

When they are born, puppies may not be able to hear many sounds, but quickly their hearing develops dramatically. Dogs can hear sounds at high frequencies, from 67 to 45,000 Hz, while humans hear sounds from 67 to 45,000 Hz.

8. Corgi can “smell” your emotions

Your dog can detect slight changes in your body odor. This helps them understand how you feel. For example, by smelling sweat, they sense that you are tired, worried or scared. Dogs can even detect certain diseases or know that a family member is pregnant.

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