53 Diseases That Cause Dogs To Vomit

53 Diseases That Cause Dogs To Vomit

Vomiting in dogs is a symptom and manifestation of countless diseases that dogs will encounter. Is your dog having problems? Please refer to the diseases related to vomiting in dogs that Inkpawarts has compiled below, then you will have the most appropriate treatment for vomiting in dogs.

53 Diseases That Cause Dogs To Vomit

Dog vomits from eating too fast

Many dogs are called “gluttons”, their appetite is huge. Dogs do not understand that they must eat slowly and chew thoroughly, so they often swallow their food. The result of eating like a hungry tiger is of course bloating and indigestion. The stomach will contract strongly, causing the dog to vomit the food immediately after eating.

At this time, the owner does not need to worry too much. Your dog will vomit some of the food it just ate. If you do not want your dog to eat that food again, you must clean it up immediately. After a few hours, your dog will digest all the food it just ate and there will be no more problems. Or you can give your dog some digestive enzymes that are good for the intestines.

Dog vomiting due to bone stuck in throat

When your dog accidentally chokes on a fish or chicken bone, they will vomit. At this time, they will show signs of discomfort, using their nails to scratch their mouth and teeth. The purpose is to vomit out the foreign objects that make them uncomfortable.

If your dog is unfortunately choking on a bone, you should not put your hand in its mouth to pull it out. You should take it to the hospital immediately and ask the veterinarian to intervene and help. At the same time, you must also check to see any fish or chicken bones in the throat and stomach. Only then proceed with treatment.

Vomiting in dogs is a symptom of many diseases.

In addition to the above causes of vomiting in dogs, some diseases in dogs such as dog pox, rabies, food poisoning, etc. also lead to vomiting in dogs. If dog owners see that in addition to vomiting, there are other symptoms of illness such as epilepsy, runny nose, vomiting blood, vomiting white foam, biting randomly, etc., it means that the dog is sick.

At this time, you must immediately restrain your dog. Then take it to the hospital for treatment. Do not intentionally prolong the time or treat yourself at home, creating irreversible results. Below are the symptoms of vomiting in dogs that accompany the disease that you should refer to:

Gastritis and the entire digestive system

The animal vomits immediately after eating or drinking water. When pressing on the stomach area, the animal has a reflex. The abdomen is sunken, and the surface of the abdomen is cold and stretched. After the dog vomits, you must identify the cause to have the appropriate treatment. First, you need to carefully observe the things that your dog vomits.

If the water is yellow, foamy, and has an odor, then the dog may have gastritis. For such signs, you should immediately stop feeding to observe. You can give your dog a moderate amount of water. Gastritis is not a minor disease, parents just need to take their dog to the vet for timely treatment.

Previously, the animal used Aspirin or heavy metals or anti-inflammatory drugs, chronic uremia, anemia – poor appetite – body collapse – and death. Use an endoscope to examine the stomach. When the dog vomits for a long time – there is a pain reflex when touched.

Foreign objects in the stomach, throat, or digestive tract

Dogs with prolonged vomiting may have blood and abdominal pain. X-rays show obstructions, weakness, and shock.

Neurological disorders in the vomiting center

Dogs with persistent vomiting – due to stomach pain medication not getting better. Brain damage due to a tumor in the vomiting center or due to middle and inner ear damage can lead to vomiting.


Discharge from eyes and nose – paralysis – trembling – foaming at the mouth and constant barking. Convulsions – epilepsy – abdominal pain – vomiting – diarrhea (may be colored). Lethargy, absent-mindedness – emaciation – blindness – change in temperament – ​​inflammation of the stomach and small intestine. Sudden death – diagnosis can be made with certainty by analysis.

Before that, the animal ate or drank organic phosphorus (Lucijet, Fench morphos, Task, Ectoral, Diazonone, Atgard). Or one of the organic phosphates used as pesticides,… The animal has diarrhea, vomits – shivers – salivates – has spasms – has dysentery with a substance like mucus. The pupils are constricted to a point, where the muscles are stiffened into lumps.

The dog vomited along with the typical symptoms of each poison. The dog vomited – was severely weak – and showed general signs of poisoning.

Tick ​​paralysis

The barking changes, the dog vomits and then gradually becomes paralyzed. At first, the legs become weak, then the front legs, then the neck, gradually paralyzing the respiratory muscles. This leads to the animal’s death. When the body temperature drops, there is difficulty swallowing, pus flows from the eyes, the cornea dries, and in some cases, death occurs very quickly.

Infectious hepatitis

The animal has a high fever, then weakness, conjunctivitis, mouth inflammation, and swollen tonsils. In acute cases, the animal dies suddenly, and abdominal pain, touching the liver area causes pain. The dog vomits, has diarrhea, then coughs. This is one of three cases of corneal opacity – jaundice – swollen, yellow, spotted liver – gallbladder edema – hemorrhagic ascites – enteritis (possibly bleeding).

Dogs vomit, often bile-colored. Sometimes there are signs of jaundice – severe digestive disorders – and swollen liver. Painful to the touch.

Spirochete disease

Can die suddenly – body temperature varies from time to time – sunken eyes – pain in the lower back – foul-smelling breath – red plaque on teeth – mouth, tongue, gums are rotten and ulcerated (black tongue) – excessive salivation, brown color, sweet smell causing the dog to vomit – tongue peels off in pieces – related to stomach, intestines – foul-smelling diarrhea.

Kidney disease

The initial signs are insidious but may also appear suddenly – the dog vomits repeatedly – ​​thirst – lethargy – uremia – convulsions – death – weakness – avoidance reflex when touching the lumbar region – rough kidney surface – anxious face – intermittent diarrhea – weakness – drowsiness – urine smell – mouth and tongue ulcers – teeth turn brown – eczema. Urinalysis shows albumin, rapidly aging casts. Occasionally (rarely) acute cases show blood in the urine.

Kidney abscess or urinary tract infection

Dogs with vomiting – fever – albuminuria or other signs of changes in urine such as (renal epithelial cells, pus, and urinary casts).

Granular encephalomyelitis

This is a disease caused by the larvae of Angiostrongylus cantonensis – the animal gradually becomes paralyzed – loss of motor control of the muscles in the posterior part of the body – bladder paralysis – tail paralysis – difficulty defecating. The dog vomits – has hyperalgesia – loss of bowel control – initially urinary retention then also loss of control.

Endometritis and genital tract infections

The dog is vomiting – there is fluid coming out of the vulva – fever – can be checked by palpation.

Infection in any major organ of the body

We can rely on palpation symptoms and previous signs.

Eat animal feces

The dog vomits feces (usually from eating horse or poultry feces).

Sick due to transportation

Encountered when the animal is in transit (due to stress or heatstroke)

Eat stimulants

Dog vomiting – we should check the food the animal has eaten. For example, when the dog eats grass. The dog vomits foam including grass – this is an innate habit of all dogs.

Eat hair, skin

Dog vomits after eating food containing hair and skin (common in cats as they have a habit of eating whole mice).

Drug sensitivity

The animal vomited – the animal had previously been given complex drugs.

Stomach cancer

Uncommon or rare – the dog vomits – is weak – does not eat or eats indiscriminately – can be confirmed by X-ray or endoscopy of the stomach – after death, there is calcium, adenocarcinoma – the stomach resembles a “leather jar” or has a tumorous structure – there is a polypoid lesion.

Vitamin B1 deficiency

Caused by diet. Animal becomes emaciated – weak – constipated – paralyzed – convulsions – muscle spasms – vomiting – treated with vitamin B1.

Niconitic acid deficiency

Dogs vomit – anorexia – weakness – nervous convulsions – red oral mucosa. There is rot and necrosis (black tongue). Saliva flows a lot, brown, sweet smell causing nausea. Tongue peels off in pieces – related to stomach, intestines – foul-smelling diarrhea.

Snake bite

Signs vary depending on the type of snake. The animal is weak and weak. The body is flaccid and paralyzed – quadriplegia – dilated pupils. The dog vomits – salivates – breathes rapidly, has difficulty and cannot breathe – body temperature increases and decreases. Most cases lose their reflex to light, some cases have a reflex but it is slow.

Only a few retain reflexes. A few have cyanosis of the mucous membranes. And a few more have diarrhea. The animal dies in different ways depending on the type of snake bite. The amount of venom and the location of the bite. For example, cobra venom entering the bloodstream causes almost instant death. Snake venom entering the fatty or connective tissue can cause death in a few days. Treatment can be with antivenom serum.


The animal is emaciated – slow growth and development. The stools have clay-like spots, the dog vomits – weakness – the body feels uncomfortable. In acute cases the animal has abdominal pain, the abdomen is very sensitive. Leading to shock.


Body temperature 40.6 – 41.10C. Eyes and nose discharge a lot of yellow fluid, cough, diarrhea, tonsillitis (not as serious as hepatitis). Red eyes – loss of appetite – fever – hard soles of feet and nose. In the final stage, the animal has convulsions. Temporal muscle convulsions are the most typical symptom (not always occurs) paralysis, gastritis, enteritis and pneumonia.


This is a rare disease – the animal has diarrhea – body weakness – vomiting – cough – irregular fever – complete paralysis – liver and spleen swelling – sometimes pneumonia.


This disease is rare. The animal coughs, and fluid flows from the eyes and nose. The liver, peritoneum, pleura, pericardium, and heart have pink-white fleshy granulomas. The dog vomits, is wasted, has swollen lymph nodes, and eats poorly. The animal is in a state of discomfort, malaise, and weakness. Examination of the fluid shows the presence of pathogenic microorganisms.

Salmonella infection

The animal has diarrhea – the dog vomits – weakness, gradual emaciation


Increased temperature – difficulty breathing – cough – purulent discharge from eyes and nose – vomiting – examination of the discharge for pathogenic microorganisms. Cough – shortness of breath – severe illness – emaciation – diarrhoea – ascites – vomiting. Examination reveals fungi such as Blastomyces, Histoplasma, Aspergillus and Cryptococcus.

Hypoglycemia (ketonemia)

Uterine signs of inertia, stagnation – the animal has a stiff, jerky gait – the body has spasms – convulsions – vomiting – sometimes strong convulsions – body temperature up to 41.1oC or higher – heart beats very strongly – can be treated with hypertonic glucose or calcium gluconate solution – urine ketone test gives positive results – breath smells of acetone – mainly occurs one week before to one week after giving birth.


Animal has fever – swollen, hard glands – milk has blood clots or other changes – mother stops eating – may abandon her pups – seriously ill (possible).

Monilia disease (also known as Candidia or “Thrush”)

Yellowish-white oral mucosa – diarrhea – changes in the intestines and stomach – culture on Sabouraud agar and microscopic examination showed Candida albicans – the animal had previously used antibiotics.

Diseases caused by the microorganism Norcardia

The systemic form is different. First, the pleura has granulomas, the animal gradually weakens, becomes emaciated, pericarditis, pleurisy, there is pus in the lungs with a foul odor. In any internal organ of the body, there are abscesses causing septicemia. Then peritonitis – pneumonia – enteritis – chronic cough – osteomyelitis – acute illness – weakness – paralysis – in the heart, liver, lymph nodes, lungs, kidneys there are white grains like millet seeds.

Tumor type with large tumors on all 4 legs. Sometimes anywhere on the body.


Dogs with bronchitis will have symptoms of nasal discharge of pus and mucus – the animal coughs – spreads quickly from one animal to another – mild fever – occasionally vomiting foam – burning cough, little phlegm – rough lung sounds (listen to the trachea and bronchi) – can develop into exudative pneumonia.

The animal coughs – has fever – has respiratory distress (difficulty breathing). This disease is common in old, fat dogs. Dogs living in dusty places – often have a long-lasting cough.


Sunken flanks – distended abdomen – feeling of fluid in the abdomen – gradual weight loss – damaged heart.

Stones (bladder stones, urinary tract stones)

The animal shows signs of straining to urinate – if it does, it is only a dribble – stiff gait with arched back – signs of weakness – limpness – fever – shivering – weakness – stupor – uremia – death.


The animal is thirsty and voracious – urine glucose test is positive – the animal gradually becomes exhausted.

Tonsillitis, tumors or other lesions in the throat area

Dogs with persistent vomiting – mouth examination shows abnormalities – should check the animal’s previous condition.

Spirocerca lupi infection (stomach worms)

in the stomach, esophagus has a tumor – the animal gradually loses weight – the animal will die suddenly if it is related to the aorta – the animal vomits blood – salivates – coughs – loss of appetite – difficulty swallowing.

Parasitic infection

This is an uncommon disease that is fatal in puppies. But less common in adult dogs. If Rhipicephlalus ticks are found – the animal is thirsty – diarrhea – the dog vomits – bile phosphate in the stool and vomitus – constipation – jaundice – anuria – blood-colored saliva – acute respiratory distress – hemorrhages in the skin and mucous membranes – edema – neurological signs – fever – hemoglobin in the urine – smears for Babesia canis.

Esophageal sphincter failure and achalasia

The esophageal muscle loses its ability to relax. Spasms occur – the esophagus relaxes – food accumulates in the esophagus – after eating the animal burps and regurgitates. Food and saliva flow out of the mouth – give the animal barium to drink and check with an X-ray – give the animal soft food, tilt the head to pour the food in.

Pyloric spasm and pyloric stenosis

Dog with projectile vomiting – emaciated – shock – voracious appetite – x-ray examination.

Persistent vascular ring anomaly

This is a congenital defect – found in puppies from 6 to 12 weeks old – after feeding the dog vomits for a long time – give it barium and check it with an X-ray – can be solved by surgically relocating the blocked blood vessel.

Diverticula in the esophagus

Food retention – usually regurgitated food – checked by X-ray – contrast medium – treated surgically. 51. Herniation The animal had a previous accident or injury – vomited or regurgitated food – checked by X-ray and contrast medium – treated surgically.


Vomiting, gagging – occurs after prolonged vomiting – check by X-ray – give soft, bland food.

Stomach and intestinal obstruction

The dog has persistent vomiting – thirst – shock – lethargy – abdominal pain – can be determined by X-ray. The cause of the obstruction can be foreign body, parasite, tumor, abscess, or twisted intestine (volvulus) – the dog has vomiting – abdominal pain – dehydration – the upper abdominal obstruction shrinks – the lower abdominal obstruction bulges – the animal goes into shock and dies – diagnosed by X-ray – can be treated by surgically correcting the obstruction.


The animal has nausea – abdominal pain – fever – vomiting – increased heart rate – decreased blood pressure – diagnosed by X-ray and palpation of the abdomen (abdominal puncture).

Adrenal insufficiency (Addison’s disease)

Endocrine disorders – corticosteroid treatment was stopped abruptly or the initial signs of the disease appeared gradually. The animal lost appetite, the dog vomited – diarrhea (often bloody) – lost weight – blood tests showed decreased sodium, increased alkalosis, increased eosinophils, increased lymphocytes – corticosteroid treatment.


Overdose of Aspirin or many other medications can lead to vomiting.

Psychogenic vomiting

The disease is uncommon in dogs (common in cats).

Sun (redirect) door system

And congenital encephalopathy of the portal system. Rare but seen in cattle and sheep dogs in the old English country. Emaciation – slow growth – seen mainly in puppies – weakness. Vomiting – loss of self-regulation – seen mainly in puppies. Disorientation or compulsive pacing – convulsions – death.

Middle ear infection

The animal tilts its head or spins, loses balance – high fever – vomits.

Myasthenia gravis

Muscle weakness – paralysis – occurs in dogs 8 weeks of age or younger in congenital cases. Acquired myasthenia gravis is due to an autoimmune disorder. Found in dogs 10 months to 2 years of age – muscle weakness associated with esophageal hypertrophy; Dogs with vomiting – dysphagia and hoarseness respond to treatment with neostigmine bromide.

Vitamin B3 deficiency (Niacin, Nicotrenic acid)

Black tongue is caused by inflammation and necrosis of the tongue and gums. It can be complicated by Fusobocterium necrophorum or other bacteria/spirochete. The dog vomits, loses appetite, becomes dehydrated, weak, and has muscle spasms. If the oral mucosa is red, it will then rot, become necrotic, and saliva will flow profusely, be brown, and have a very sweet smell. The tongue will peel off in patches. The antibacterial ability of the intestines and stomach is low. There will be weight loss, anemia, and then death (which will also take a long time).

Parvovirus Infection in Puppies

In the small intestine form: the animal suddenly becomes weak – anorexia – the dog vomits – diarrhea. In cases of acute Parvovirus, the animal becomes rapidly dehydrated, shocked and dies. There are also other forms such as heart failure, myocardial infarction…

Algal Fungus

This disease is rare – there are many different fungi e.g. Hyphomyces destruens. The animal is wasting away – vomiting – diarrhoea – pallor – signs vary depending on the organ and system affected.

Due to zinc deficiency

Diet lacking in zinc or too much calcium. Emaciation – vomiting – conjunctivitis and keratitis – poor growth – scaly skin – sometimes fever, weakness.

There are lesions on the legs, face, ankles, elbows – where the claws are swollen – sometimes on the chin, nose, around the lips there are yellow flaky scales – we can treat by giving 15mg of zinc per day (for large dogs).


Seen in older dogs – sometimes weakness – vomiting – painful urinary tract – dribbling – bloody urine – prostate enlargement on examination.

Diagnosis for vomiting in dogs

First, the vet will examine the dog’s mouth. To see if there is anything strange stuck in the mouth. Then check to see if the tonsils are swollen. The vet will also take the dog’s temperature and examine the dog’s abdomen. If the mouth, tonsils, temperature, and abdomen are all normal, the vet will usually ask you to reduce the amount of food each meal to reduce the secretion of spores. The vet will also ask you to take a stool sample for other tests. Or the vet will make a diagnosis based on a sample you take from what the dog vomits:

  • If there is mucus, the cause is usually enteritis.
  • If there is undigested food, the dog may be poisoned, or have eaten too much.
  • If there is bile, then the dog has pancreatitis, or enteritis.
  • If there is fresh blood, then the dog has a stomach ulcer.
  • If there is dark blood, the ulcer is in the intestine.
  • If there is a strong odor characteristic of the digestive tract, then the dog has an intestinal obstruction.

Treatment for vomiting dogs

To stop your dog from vomiting and get back to health, vets often recommend the following treatments:

  • Eat more scientifically. Feed your dog the food that is right for them.
  • Give anti-vomiting medication. If your dog vomits a lot, give them medication. Follow your veterinarian’s instructions.
  • Take antibiotics if you have a bacterial stomach ulcer.
  • Take corticosteroids if you have enteritis.
  • Surgery if there is a tumor.
  • Give certain medications especially if the dog is vomiting due to taking medication for another condition.

You should not buy medicine for your dog yourself, you must buy it according to the prescription given by the doctor. Give the medicine in the right dose, on time. You need to update the dog’s health status so that the doctor can give timely advice. Hopefully, through the above information, you will be able to know the symptoms and have the most reasonable and accurate explanations of why dogs vomit so that you can have timely treatment. Wish you success

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